Earthquake No. 333 on September 3rd – 3:03 a.m.
The San Francisco Examiner for September 25, 1899, contains a letter sent from Yakutat, Alaska, September 17, by the Reverend Sheldon Jackson, giving a vivid and incredible account of a swarm of earthquakes beginning on September 3 and still continuing through the date of his finishing the letter. Statements from his letter, hint of an incredible, unnatural occurrence that actually took place under the world’s nose at the top of the globe. For the last one hundred and eleven years, the United States Government would have you not know of and has been successful hiding this, the biggest of all breakthroughs in science, from the minds of a world and the textbooks of history. What could possibly be the reasoning? Why would those in charge not want a us to know of its greatest inventor and his monumental event? Could it have been done for monetary gain? Did J.P. Morgan really scrap free wireless energy because there was no place to put a meter or could it have been done for our own good amid apocalyptic danger, a new threat from any with an electrical engineering degree? Whatever the reason, I am here now to reveal the tale, and my simple truth will prevail. Nikola Tesla caused a twenty seven day world record earthquake in 1899. The very first shock was designated by John Milne No. 333 and coincidentally occurred at precisely 3:03 a.m. September 3rd. There were upwards of fifty aftershocks each and every day after at regular intervals until September 10, when, at 9.20 a. m. occurred the second global earthquake event designated by John Milne No. 337 and even after near constant earth palpitation their reality became even more terrifying amid the 52 shocks on that day alone, hit the one of massive violence designated by John Milne No. 338 at 3 p.m. The land waved up and down as the swells of the sea, the waters of the bay rose and fell between 8 and 10 feet every few minutes, and violent swirls rose up in the harbor, washing into the sea an Indian burial ground at Port Mulgrave opposite Yakutat. Most of the Eskimos and whites were terrified, abandoning their houses and retreating to tents in the neighboring hills. There was another violent earthquake September 15th and other shocks until September 29.
A party of gold prospectors was encamped on the shore of Russell fiord near the Hubbard glacier, and their experiences, as related by one of the party, Mr. Flenner, were full of excitement and danger. The ground rocked so that they could not remain on their feet; the front of Hubbard glacier was shattered into fragments; tsunamis washed them and their equipment back on the moraine; a lake, supplementary to Hubbard glacier, burst its barrier; and huge avalanches descended the .mountain sides. The gold prospectors finally escaped with such equipment as they could save, though on their way to Yakutat they were again placed in danger by the earthquake of September 15. That the experiences related by Mr. Flenner are in the main correct there can be no doubt, and that his party escaped alive is astonishing, in view of the clear evidence of the catastrophe along the shores of the bay. As far as official record, there was no loss of human life; but at that time of year in the very remote area chosen, the Eskimos are not liable to be in the bay, and their village is from 15 to 30 miles or more from the centers of disturbance.
It is a well known fact that an earthquake shock in September, 1899 did so much damage to the Muir Glacier, a literal mountain of ice on Glacier Bay, 140 miles southeast of Yakutat, as to render access to it impossible by the tourist steamers for several seasons. It was the first ever such phenomena clearly recorded around the shores of Yakutat bay and one that has never been duplicated in the Glacier Bay or any region since.
Although government records of this earthquake in the Yakutat Bay region in 1899 do exist, they are purposely made to look unexceptional and those records are in fact a cover up of the biggest footprint man has ever left on nature. Not revealing the cause to this event must be either for monetary gain or quite possible leave you totally unprepared for the clear and striking reality with proof that this event, most unique of its kind it, was man-made. I have found, or for the evidence of the remarkable changes of level which accompanied it. It is the purpose of this paper to state with some fullness the evidence of the changes which were associated with this earthquake and to venture some interpretations based on this evidence. Altogether it is the most remarkable instance of change of level so recorded and the fact that it is possible to assign to it an exact date is of considerable importance.
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