Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Three by Nikola Tesla

The Tesla Three earthquakes of 1899—27 Days during the month of September, 1899 the Yakutat Bay, Alaska, was shaken by a swarm of severe earthquakes—so severe of event, indeed 27 Days of up to 52 shocks per day, that it was wiped from the minds of history much like and because of the name, "Nikola Tesla". One… Two…


That THREE which now, will and always will be associated with these earthquakes, this event, this rather the shattering of grand glaciers, uplift, volcanoes, tsunamis, literal mountains of ice, glaciers ringing like a fucking bell… cracked in. The waves in the bay, listen close, the waves in the bay were in beautiful groups of THREE. The waves were all in "beautiful" sets of three. The cause of these shocks was Tesla. The name and remote location near the St. Elias Range, one of the youngest and loftiest of mountain ranges, that was chosen, in time.

Tesla chose a place where there was no great city nearby, and in the small village nearest at hand there was no loss of life. Nor was there any injury to the few men who happened to be near the center of disturbance during several of the most severe shocks. They rounded up the scientific minds of the day… took them out in the middle of nowhere, showed them glaciers that had been as yet to be named and pitched enlightenment and that they were God… then they all took a bunch of pictures of this area that received an act of God… three months later. They had named a glacier "Muir Glacier" after John Muir; they then, kicked its ass. They told them what they were going to do. Then they did it. They called the, "Babe Ruth" one in a googol shot. They said they were "God", then, they proved it!

. The most influential people in the world were demonstrated the "finger of God" as essentially a recruitment seminar to get some kind of Amway pyramid "gank" on their friends.

This earthquake swarm had world records and still holds the world records, the ground was too… shooting at you … the most notable results ever recorded in the history of the world—"great changes in the level of the land, incidental to faulting, avalanches, and remarkable accompanying and subsequent changes in the adjacent glaciers."

Preliminary descriptions of certain of the changes in shore lines, on the map and in glaciers in connection with the earthquake that for 111 years have already been published but you are blind.

That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand

The THREE was the most powerful swarm ever. Changes of level are the greatest recorded in historical times, the maximum uplift amounting to over 47 feet. The changes in the glaciers include a rapid rush retreat of Muir Glacier, 150 miles to the southeast, and a general rush of several glaciers Yakutat Bay Glacier, which hundreds of travelers had visited annually up to 1899, became inaccessible to tourist vessels in that year, and remained so for the next seven years until 1907. By 1903 it had retreated from 2\ to 3 miles, and by 1907 from 1\ to 8 miles, as a result of the THREE-THREE-THREE earthquake. It also had lost most of its scenic interest since Tesla zapped it.

September 3"69"

The triad, sacred Hebrews and contained a spirit that represented the numerical signature of the life that is in God.

This was sent postage paid, to 600 people who were in Alaska, five years after the fact.

United States Geological Survey

Present Information required.

1. Name of observer

2. Present address of observer

3. Occupation of observer

4. Date or dates of observation

5. Place of observations. — Make answer as exact as possible. If shocks were felt on more than one date, answer the following questions independently for each date

6. Time of earthquake.—State accuracy of timepiece, when last regulated, and whether local (sun) time, Juneau time, Valdez, or other time was

kept. If

several shocks were felt, list independently

7. Length (duration) of shock.—If not observed by a watch with a second hand, a desirable form of answer is: "Long enough to run out of doors," "Long enough to get out of bed and light a candle," or similar answer

8. Intensity of shock

9. Effects of earthquake.—Damage to buildings; damage to wharves, etc.; opening cracks in ground; causing landslides or avalanches; affecting springs, etc.; causing pits or small craters; sending out water or sand; damaging glaciers; changing shore lines by uplift or depression; causing waves on bays, inlets, lakes, or rivers; killing fish; causing tops of trees or flagpoles to vibrate, lamps to swing in houses, doors or windows to slam, etc

10. Personal sensations. — Difficulty in standing up; difficulty in walking; nausea or dizziness; different sensations on others than on yourself. Did you know it was an earthquake at the time? Was there any appearance of waves in the ground? Was there a hard shaking or a gradual movement? If at night, was it enough to wake one up?

11. Direction of earthquake. — Did it seem to come from any one direction or directions? How was the direction determined? Did others agree as to this direction?

12 . Noises accompanying shocks.— State nature, loudness, duration, etc., as fully as possible. Did the loudest noise come before, after, or during the hardest shock.

13. Nearest place where shock was felt.— If you were in Alaska, British Columbia, or Yukon Territory during the period between September 3 & September 29, 1899, and did not feel any shocks or effects of shocks, please state where you were. etc. This negative evidence is of the greatest value in determining the boundaries of the disturbed area. State the nearest place to you where shocks were felt or damage was done by the earthquakes

14. Published accounts.—If you have access to files of newspapers or other periodicals that give accounts of these earthquakes (especially Alaskan newspapers), will you please give specific reference to dates of articles and nature of description? If you can give us clippings on this subject, they will be greatly appreciated, or clippings loaned to us will be promptly returned

15. Other observers.—If you know other observers of these earthquakes, will you kindly send us their names
and addresses, that we may get into correspondence with them?

16. Other earthquakes.—If you have experienced other earthquake shocks in Alaska, will you please inform us of the date, place, and nature of observation?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

One… Two… THREE

"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 & 9; then you would have a key to the universe." –Nikola Tesla

September "3"69

Professional Paper 69

- United States Geological Survey, Issue 69 by Geological Survey (U.S.)

Earthquake No. 333 – September 3, 1899 – 3:03

"He was also obsessive-compulsive and hated round objects, human hair, jewelry and anything that wasn't divisible by three."

"He became obsessed with the
number three"

"He often felt compelled to walk around a block three times "

"He demanded a stack of three folded cloth napkins beside his plate at every meal, etc."

"Tesla's obsession with things needing to be divisible by three"





Nikola Tesla, in Colorado Springs September, 1899, was while listening to signals… said he received an intelligent signal in a pattern, what he called 'counting codes.' This was said to be the first cosmic radio signal ever detected. He said he believed it was either from Venus or Mars, and that he was the first to receive a message from another civilization. He was lying for your own good and you were wrong.


The Red Cross proceeded to ask him, "What will mankind's greatest achievement be in the 21st Century?" Can you guess what he said?


To the American

Red Cross,


The retrospect is glorious, the
inspiring: Much might be
of both. But one idea
mind. This - my best, my dearest - is for your noble
. I have observed electrical actions, which have appeared inexplicable. Faint and
though they were, they have
me a deep conviction and

are ere long all
beings on this globe, as one, will turn their eyes to the firmament above, with feelings of love and reverence, thrilled by the glad news: "Brethren! We have a message from another world, unknown and remote. It reads: one… two… THREE…"

Christmas 1900

Nikola Tesla


I am a prophet of the bible. 
Here is wisdom
Have an ear... the hour is here...
Like a thief in the night.
The number is perfect, the signature of God.
I was born 75 years to the day after
Earthquake No. 333 caused by Nikola Tesla
or I would not have been told.
My Social Security Number# is Six Hundred and Sixty-Six.
My Federal E.I.N. ends 666.
I have counted the number of the beast.
With insight I calculate the number of his name as a googol.
I bring proof from God by solving the 111 year old riddle of Nikola Tesla.
Tesla caused
EARTHQUAKE #333 September 3rd at 3:03
"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 & 9;
Then you would have a key to the universe."
-Nikola Tesla
+ THREE = 6
+ THREE = 9
Now if they can hide the biggest thing man has ever accomplished...
the biggest footprint he ever left...
For 111 Years... what can't they do? Have an ear.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Earthquake No. 333 on September 3rd – 3:03 a.m.


Earthquake No. 333 on September 3rd – 3:03 a.m.

The San Francisco Examiner for September 25, 1899, contains a letter sent from Yakutat, Alaska, September 17, by the Reverend Sheldon Jackson, giving a vivid and incredible account of a swarm of earthquakes beginning on September 3 and still continuing through the date of his finishing the letter. Statements from his letter, hint of an incredible, unnatural occurrence that actually took place under the world’s nose at the top of the globe. For the last one hundred and eleven years, the United States Government would have you not know of and has been successful hiding this, the biggest of all breakthroughs in science, from the minds of a world and the textbooks of history. What could possibly be the reasoning? Why would those in charge not want a us to know of its greatest inventor and his monumental event? Could it have been done for monetary gain? Did J.P. Morgan really scrap free wireless energy because there was no place to put a meter or could it have been done for our own good amid apocalyptic danger, a new threat from any with an electrical engineering degree? Whatever the reason, I am here now to reveal the tale, and my simple truth will prevail. Nikola Tesla caused a twenty seven day world record earthquake in 1899. The very first shock was designated by John Milne No. 333 and coincidentally occurred at precisely 3:03 a.m. September 3rd. There were upwards of fifty aftershocks each and every day after at regular intervals until September 10, when, at 9.20 a. m. occurred the second global earthquake event designated by John Milne No. 337 and even after near constant earth palpitation their reality became even more terrifying amid the 52 shocks on that day alone, hit the one of massive violence designated by John Milne No. 338 at 3 p.m. The land waved up and down as the swells of the sea, the waters of the bay rose and fell between 8 and 10 feet every few minutes, and violent swirls rose up in the harbor, washing into the sea an Indian burial ground at Port Mulgrave opposite Yakutat. Most of the Eskimos and whites were terrified, abandoning their houses and retreating to tents in the neighboring hills. There was another violent earthquake September 15th and other shocks until September 29.
A party of gold prospectors was encamped on the shore of Russell fiord near the Hubbard glacier, and their experiences, as related by one of the party, Mr. Flenner, were full of excitement and danger. The ground rocked so that they could not remain on their feet; the front of Hubbard glacier was shattered into fragments; tsunamis washed them and their equipment back on the moraine; a lake, supplementary to Hubbard glacier, burst its barrier; and huge avalanches descended the .mountain sides. The gold prospectors finally escaped with such equipment as they could save, though on their way to Yakutat they were again placed in danger by the earthquake of September 15. That the experiences related by Mr. Flenner are in the main correct there can be no doubt, and that his party escaped alive is astonishing, in view of the clear evidence of the catastrophe along the shores of the bay. As far as official record, there was no loss of human life; but at that time of year in the very remote area chosen, the Eskimos are not liable to be in the bay, and their village is from 15 to 30 miles or more from the centers of disturbance.
It is a well known fact that an earthquake shock in September, 1899 did so much damage to the Muir Glacier, a literal mountain of ice on Glacier Bay, 140 miles southeast of Yakutat, as to render access to it impossible by the tourist steamers for several seasons. It was the first ever such phenomena clearly recorded around the shores of Yakutat bay and one that has never been duplicated in the Glacier Bay or any region since.
Although government records of this earthquake in the Yakutat Bay region in 1899 do exist, they are purposely made to look unexceptional and those records are in fact a cover up of the biggest footprint man has ever left on nature. Not revealing the cause to this event must be either for monetary gain or quite possible leave you totally unprepared for the clear and striking reality with proof that this event, most unique of its kind it, was man-made. I have found, or for the evidence of the remarkable changes of level which accompanied it. It is the purpose of this paper to state with some fullness the evidence of the changes which were associated with this earthquake and to venture some interpretations based on this evidence. Altogether it is the most remarkable instance of change of level so recorded and the fact that it is possible to assign to it an exact date is of considerable importance.